Monday, October 15, 2012

Another 5 Questions With Miss Louisiana International 2013

When Miss International contestants are selected/crowned, they are given 5 questions to answer for the website. Here are my answers! Don't forget to check out the Miss International website to see all the lovely ladies I'll be competing with! 

What is the best thing that you have received that was free?
Mine was a free piece of advice: "Faith in God includes faith in His timing." I am somewhat of a late bloomer in pageantry, as I got into it after receiving my masters degree at age 27. But I understand that everything happens for a reason and on His time.

What do you do that makes you a leader?
I am a leader because I resonate with people. I strive to leave others with the understanding that they too, can live a life of purpose and value. It's more than just Southern charm.

What do you feel most successful women have in common?
Hillary Clinton once said, "The women of the world have so much to contribute." Like Secretary Clinton, most successful women believe that women everywhere hold the key to thriving societies. They help women raise their expectations and leave a legacy for the next generation by being a positive role model.

Tell me about an experience that has been educational to you.
Pageantry! To impact your community by actually making a difference through your title, and bringing attention to issues through your platform, is amazing. It is also a humbling experience that shows you what is really important. I've learned so much about others and even more about myself through pageantry.

What is your best asset? Why?
A giving heart! I have been blessed beyond measure in my own life, so it is important to always give back! I go above and beyond to positively impact the lives of others. I believe you should never think about "what's in it for you" and give to others unselfishly.

38% Raised!

Excited to say I have raised 38% of my first fundraising goal of $1200! This is the amount due to Miss International by January 1st.

Although people say it all the time, I would like to stress how much  EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS! So please give! Even if you think $3 doesn't help me...IT REALLY DOES! And I'm extremely thankful for any level of support.

Last week I had a "friend" tell me that I would not reach my goal and they even called me an ugly name. I refuse to be stopped or allow someone to tell me that my goals are unattainable. Every time I speak at school or church functions, I strive to leave that message with children. You CAN attain anything you work for! So go for it!

Please donate today and help me get to the Miss International Pageant! Click HERE

<3 Ash

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Importance of Supporting Your Successor

Although many believe that once your reign is over and you officially pass the crown, the work for you is done, but I'm definitely learning just how important it is to support your successor. 

Many fail to realize the largest aspect of pageantry: SISTERHOOD. 

Passing the crown to another queen worthy of possessing your title means you two are sisters united in a bond.

Pageantry is more than a single event, and your service does not end just because your crown has. In your year of service you have learned the tricks of the trade, including fundraising tips, contacts to keep in touch with, gown decisions, going on the right type of appearances, public speaking do's, and wardrobe don'ts, etc. etc. etc. It's important to help your sister be the best queen she can be. 

Another thing about pageantry: It's NOT about YOU. It's about the mission of the organization and leaving an impact on your community. You don't want your pageant/title to look bad because of an avoidable mistake your successor could have learned from you. 

Being Queen is not easy, it really is work. It can be emotionally stressful and also financially straining. Although people get into pageantry for different reasons, some do not necessarily have natural abilities. So just like you need a mentor in a career field to learn the ropes, you need a mentor in pageantry. 

Be a true sister queen and stay involved by supporting your successor. Be the shoulder to lean on and (sometimes) cry on. Give a her a heads-up and an honest opinion on things. Give her some of your time, even if it's just a minute or two to NOT talk about pageant work. Most importantly, continue to be the titleholder you once were by serving as a role model. You'll always be queen, so take the time to help her shine through her journey to the crown.

Big thanks to my sister queens Brijet Finister, Miss Black California USA 2012 and Amina L. Gilyard, Miss Black District of Columbia USA 2012, for their great insight on this! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What Is Miss International?

The International Pageant system has been developed to promote today's young women and their accomplishments. Around the world women are finding this system to be the opportunity to work with others to become positive role models. Being the premiere pageant for young women has given Miss International® a chance to open doors for all women around the world. The Miss International Pageant system works to promote the accomplishments of it's contestants, therefore they look for OLDER contestants, usually those who have "aged-out" of Miss America and Miss USA (both of which cut off at age 26). 

An older contestant brings a new dynamic to pageants. They are usually more educated and working an established career. These are your contestants who REALLY make an impact promoting their platform.

In addition to representing all 50 states, countries such as Scotland, Wales, and Canada are represented. Also, regions are even represented like Southern States, Southeast, and West Coast. 

The Miss International® 2013 competition will be held July 26th and 27th, 2013 at the Northshore Center for the Performing Arts in Chicago, Illinois. The exciting events and activities leading up to the Pageant will begin in Chicago on July 22nd.The event will give each contestant the opportunity to learn about customs and family life in other countries, along with the chance to share her beliefs and make new friends during the entire week of activities leading up to two exciting evenings of competition.

Parts of the competition: Each contestant competes in Interview Competition which is valued at 40% of their total score, Evening Gown, valued for 20%, Fitness Wear for 20%, and Fun Fashion Wear 20%. Each contestant has the opportunity to select a platform of her choice, that she spends the year promoting.

In addition to their personal platform, each queen promotes the Go Red for Women campaign of the American Heart Association.

Visit the website here: 

I'm excited to compete in the amazing pageant system as YOUR Miss Louisiana International 2013. Please help me get to the pageant by making a small donation today! I can't get there without you! DONATE TODAY! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Need Your Support!

I'm excited to represent the great state of Louisiana at

the 2013 Miss International Pageant! With less than 90 

days to my first fundraising deadline, I need your 

support or I will be unable to compete. Please 

consider making a small donation today! Trust me, no 

amount is too small, every dollar counts! Thanks!

Click here to donate!

Monday, October 8, 2012

5 Questions With Miss Louisiana International 2013

My SQ Imani Josey, Miss Black Illinois USA 2012, interviewed me this weekend for her awesome pageant blog titled, "Your Boyfriend Hates Pageants" LOLOL