Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Take 25 is a preventive child safety campaign created by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) in honor of National Missing Children’s Day. Annually honored on May 25th, this day serves as a reminder to the nation to make child safety a national priority.

Designed to raise awareness of the issues surrounding missing and exploited children, the Take 25 campaign encourages parents, guardians, educators, and others to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety. With a focus on prevention, Take 25 provides communities with free safety resources including safety tips, conversation starters, and engaging activities. Take 25’s resources are available free of charge and can be found at local Take 25 events.

In 2007, NCMEC joined forces with more than 100 local and national organizations to launch the Take 25 campaign. With the help of our partner organizations, more than 375 Take 25 child safety events were hosted in communities across the United States and abroad. While this was a great achievement for the first year, the Take 25 campaign has continued to grow each year, hosting more than 7,000 events in 2011. Since its inception a total of 13,000 Take 25 events have been hosted in nearly 4,000 cities throughout the United States and abroad.

Childhood is full of rewards and potential risks. As babies become toddlers, they are more prone to bumps, bruises, falls, and distractions. As children grow into teenagers, they become increasingly independent and are more apt to explore, live life, and socialize with less family supervision.

Fortunately, potential risks children face throughout their lives can be lessened when parents and guardians teach safety concepts. While it may not be possible for parents and guardians to be with their children every minute of the day, they can spend time talking to them, setting appropriate limits, and helping them make good choices.

Just minutes of prevention can make a huge impact in the life of a child.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Can you ROCK my crown??

As the world has shown us, the true foundation of a woman’s worth is achieved through education and higher learning. They are also expected to be poised, know their etiquette, and be the face of growth. 

This is where the Miss Black Louisiana USA organization is of a great benefit to the state of Louisiana and the future of black women. As Miss Black Louisiana USA 2012, I am currently seeking the best and the brightest to compete in the 2012 Miss Black Louisiana USA Scholarship Pageant.

I am writing you to ask for your assistance.  We offer the opportunity to young women between the ages of 19-26 to display their beauty, talents, and accomplishments. Miss Black Louisiana USA advocates scholastic achievement, and believes that education is critical to success. Our organization assists with identifying scholarships and funding opportunities to women of color pursuing their higher educational goals, while maintaining a healthy financial status through financial literacy education.

The winner, crowned Miss Black Louisiana USA 2013, will make appearances, attend educational functions, and participate in community activities across the state of Louisiana. The newly crowned queen will go on to represent Louisiana in the National Pageant to compete for over $50,000 in prizes, and will participate in several media opportunities throughout the year.

We are paving the road for the Louisiana woman, to show the world how we’ve always seen her. If you know someone that will be the perfect Miss Black Louisiana USA, please forward her name and email address to state director Tiffany Magee at
missblacklouisianausa@gmail.com You can help us showcase what a true African American woman represents. 
Yours in service,
Ashley E. Hebert, Miss Black Louisiana USA 2012