Wednesday, February 22, 2012

College Goal Sunday - February 26, 2012

As your Miss Black Louisiana USA 2012, I am devoted to improving the state of higher education in Louisiana. I want to find and highlight ways to get Louisiana students IN school and get them OUT on time!

Louisiana College Goal SundaySM is a FREE event that will help you melt away the tedious process of filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to obtain financial aid. FREE on site assistance from college financial aid professionals will be provided.

This is the FIRST step to getting students financial aid for school. Free on-site assistance from financial aid professionals (and yours truly) will be provided.

This event is open to ANY student planning to attend ANY type of higher education institution in the state of Louisiana!

Don't get left behind! Register here: College Goal Sunday

Monday, February 20, 2012

Angry Black Woman

Recently First lady Michelle Obama went on record to challenge assertions she's forcefully imposed her will on White House aides and says people have inaccurately tried to portray her as "some kind of angry black woman." Many of the only Black images in the media portray Black women as angry, unruly, distasteful, or even worse. Any day of the week you can see drama on television series that reinforce these stereotypes to mainstream America.
As Miss Black Louisiana USA 2012, I join the 2012 Miss Black USA delegates as the new face of the African American woman. With 80% of my sister queens holding some type of advanced degree, we have been aptly dubbed, “The next first ladies”.
With that, it is my RESPONSIBILITY to nourish young women of color as much as possible by empowering them to see beyond their color or station in life by pushing them succeed. I want them to know they are more than their race, color, or gender. This cause is greater than myself, as I use my reign to challenge the image of Black women in the media from negative to positive.
I’m very proud to join the Miss Black USA organization on this MISSION. It’s more than a pageant, it’s a movement!
Join me on my journey to the national title! Donate here: FundRazr

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Join the Miss Black Louisiana Heart Team!

Risk factors are conditions or habits that make a person more likely to develop a disease. A large risk factor of heart disease?? Being PHYSICALLY INACTIVE!

As a Heart Truth campaign advocate, Miss Black Louisiana USA wants to encourage people to get moving! So we have ...
a team participating in the Capital Area Heart Walk on 3/24/2012 and would love for you to walk with us wearing our official team t-shirt! Let's move!!

The Miss Black Louisiana USA Heart Walk Team is proud to partner with the LSU Public Administration Institute Student Association for this great cause! We're devoted to taking a stand against heart disease, the #1 killer of women in the US. Join the team today!!


THEN BUY YOUR TEAM SHIRT! (designed by moi lol)

It's FREE to join our team and FREE to participate in the walk! Proceeds from the t-shirt will benefit the BR American Heart Association AND expenses to get me to nationals!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Speaking The Heart Truth®

The Heart Truth®—a national awareness campaign for women about heart disease—created and introduced the Red Dress as the national symbol for women and heart disease awareness in 2002 to deliver an urgent wake up call to American women.

On Friday, February 3, 2012, National Wear Red Day®, Americans will wear red to show their support for women's heart health. This observance promotes the Red Dress symbol and provides an opportunity for everyone to unite in The Heart Truth's life-saving awareness-to-action movement by putting on a favorite red dress, red shirt, red tie, or Red Dress Pin. Together, we will continue to urge women to protect their hearts, as heart disease is the #1 killer of women.

The Miss Black USA Organization joins The Heart Truth® in its efforts to eradicate heart disease. African American and Hispanic women, in particular, have higher rates of some risk factors for heart disease and are disproportionately affected by the disease compared to white women. More than 80 percent of midlife African American women are overweight or obese, 52 percent have hypertension, and 14 percent have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Please join me in this fight by attending my National Wear Red Day Celebrity Date Auction TONIGHT at 600 Main!